Four Audio System Software and PPA Manual
Output View

The output view let's you adjust gain, delay, mute and phase inversion for the corresponding output if the system preset allows modification of these values.

Furthermore, output EQs, X-Over filters and limiters can be adjusted if the preset grants access to these parameters.



The EQ Editor is explained in its own chapter. See EQ Editor

Crossover Controls

1,2 Frequency Cross-Over frequencies for high and lowpass filters
3,4 Characteristic Characteristic of Cross-Over filters
5,6 Order Order of Cross-Over filters. The slope of the Cross-Over is 6 dB per order.

The cross-over controls are only visible if the system preset grants access to the cross-over settings. Cross-Overs are activated using the check-boxes in the top left corner of the controls.

Output Controls

7 Output Level Displays the levels at the outputs. Unused outputs are grayed out.
8 Output Gain Control Allows to adjust the output gain by using the slider or typing the value into the edit field.
9 Output Delay Control Allows to adjust the delay by entering the value in samples, milliseconds or millimeters or using the spinbox arrows.
10 Phase Inversion State-button to switch the polarity of the output signal. An active button (highlighted) signals a phase-inverted signal.
11 Output Mute State-button to mute / unmute the output. An active button (highlighted) signals a muted output.